Helping your child become a responsible citizen

All parents want their children to grow up to be good people and responsible citizens. Just as children must be taught to tie their shoes, read, write and solve math problems, so must they be guided to develop character qualities valued by their families and the communities in which they live.

The benefits of encouraging children's positive character development are enormous. Research has shown that children who grow up with strong, positive values are happier and perform better in school. They can also better balance their wants and needs against those of others and positively contribute to society.

Character qualities are recognized universally by people of many religions and cultures. Information presented here can be used by parents from various backgrounds and with different beliefs.


Research indicates that children take values seriously only when they see that the adults they respect act in accordance with those values. Although parents must be the ones to determine which values they want their children to develop, they need the help of the community, particularly the schools, in reinforcing those values.

Keep trying

Being a person of good character often requires having patience and sticking to something.

What to do:

  • Let your child see you practice patience when doing a new or difficult task or when facing life's everyday frustrations, such as heavy traffic.

  • Use a timer as you and your child work on a difficult task. For young children, start with a small increment of time and build from there. This activity will build perseverance.

  • Help your children learn how to set priorities. For example, your child can be taught to complete homework before watching television or to finish chores before playing with friends.

  • Make a game out of doing complex tasks. How many pieces of spilled popcorn can you and your child pick up? Who can break the record for washing the most windows (and washing them well, of course)?

Working with teachers and schools

Below are some suggestions for ways that you can work with your child's teachers and other school officials to make sure that everyone understands the fundamental values that you want your child to learn and put into practice:

  • Visit with your child's teachers early in the school year. Discuss what kind of person you want your child to become and what values are important to you.

  • If the school has a character education program, ask for a description of the curriculum and talk with teachers about how you can help emphasize the lessons at home. If the school does not offer a character education program, work with the school and the local community to begin one.

  • Be alert for and communicate with teachers when the school gives your child conflicting messages about values. For example, some teachers might expect students to come to class with all the materials they need for the day's work, while others might let them borrow from each other or sit in class without materials.

  • Work with other parents to help your child's school establish high standards for behavior both during school and at events such as ball games and concerts. Help create a list of volunteers for supervising school activities or chaperoning field trips.

Source: U.S. Department of Education